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News from the front

"I think these layoffs indicate the strength of the Internet as a way of distributing software. SuSE doesn't need a large employee base in the USA to have a presence there. SuSE Linux will still be available in the USA exactly the same as it was before."

Eazel and the giants

"I'd say that in 5 years, it doesn't sound like we'll be running fvwm on our Linux desktops, ladies and gentlemen. I think it's going to be an Eazel world, once Nautilus hits version 1.0 - and that's not far away. We're into third beta country, now."

Microsoft to steal Linux coders?

"In the wake of Microsoft's inability to purchase Linux, the king of competition-buyout seems to have learned a new way of doing business. Can't buy out the company that competes with your application? Why not buy out its developers?"

A developer's perspective on the RTLinux patent

This article takes a look at the recently unveiled RTLinux patent, including a summary of what the patent says, the implications of the patent to the GPL status of RTLinux, and some of the issues and concerns that may arise when developing applications that incorporate RTLinux.

Searching for a supermodel

"The Linux industry, as most people know it, has yet to really prove it can make a buck. Let's face it -- there's not a whole lot of money to be made selling boxes of Linux on store shelves for $30 or so."

The silent kernel platform war?

"Is the linux kernel forking away from PowerPPC? Is this happening because of issues regarding OS X and the possibility of many users jumping ship, away from LinuxPPC upon release? Or is this some kind of quiet platform war from the major kernel developers?"

KDE vs. Ximian; Wasteful in-fighting

"The KDE folks were upset over Ximian's practice of buying "ad words" on Google to display ads and links luring people to Ximian's site when someone searches on a KDE-related token. Even though cooler heads have prevailed and major damage was averted, the Linux community just experienced their own version of the infamous "thirteen days" of the Cuban Missile Crisis."

When Microsoft shark-attacks Linux

"Microsoft has adopted a key strategy, which has brought it to its current lofty position -- that strategy being to either kill or buy out your competition ... A buyout is impossible because nobody owns Linux, so we're left with the company’s only other alternative -- kill."

"Business Ethics" in the Open Source community?

"But what do we do when one of our own, a company with long-time roots in our community, rejects our code of ethics and resorts to underhanded, deceitful tactics for the express purpose of undermining an Open Source project?"

Microsoft's Linux 'message'

"Microsoft indeed doesn't have to worry about Linux on the desktop?that's probably never going to happen. But Linux is taking Microsoft's business in the server and embedded space."