Red Hat 7.0
for the enthusiast to check out and is probably there to give Red Hat
users some bragging rights. Just about everyone will want to stick
with kernel 2.2.16. The new kernel also includes USB support. This
feature has been available in Mandrake and SuSE for some time now so
it's really nothing new. You now have RPM 4 as the default package
manager and it is backward compatible but RPMs created using this
version cannot be opened using older RPM releases.
The best feature of Red Hat 7 would be XFree86 4.0.1. This is the
latest release and it is definitely the one to include in any
distribution. The GUI is increasingly gaining importance and it's good
to see Red Hat going with the latest right from the start. We had
reviewed SuSE 7 a while back but we were disappointed to find that it
carried Xfree86 4.0. XFree86 3.3.6 servers are also available if you
have problems but you really shouldn't have to go there. There's also
GNOME 1.2, not Helix GNOME, partnered by the new Sawfish window
manager. Sawfish though not as flashy as Enlightenment, is lighter and
the system definitely feels faster. KDE 2 is included but only as a
preview. It is only accessible if you do a custom install or do a
manual install off the second CD. KDE 1.1.2 is still the installed
One much touted feature is the Red Hat Network. This is supposed to ease
the lives of ordinary users and system administrators alike. Red Hat
first profiles your system and then depending on your system
configuration and packages installed, you receive information
regarding updates. Downloading of packages is also simplified as any
package dependencies that need to be satisfied are also downloaded and
installed. The setup is quite simple and it does work quite well but
it is clearly most effective over a broadband connection. Still it is
a very good feature for new users and even system administrators who
would like to stay on top of things. There is a free trial available
so you might as well use it and check things out.
Red Hat 7 should probably have been Red Hat 6.4, but the same charge
could also be leveled against many other distributions. But it is
getting to be a very competitive market and it's sad to see that
marketing is taking over from the technical. In conclusion, we do
recommend Red Hat 7 for 3 reasons -- Xfree86 4.0.1, kernel 2.2.16 and
Helix GNOME 1.2. There aren't many changes and surprises here. It
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